Hey guys! Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth here... but CTC was/is indeed still updating! Just not on Tapas OTL Things have been really busy with publishing and working on CTC and I neglected making an announcement on here.
For ALL future CTC updates, please read at https://ctccomic.com/ instead! Thank you so much, and again- I'm so sorry about the inconvenience and silence here! Thank you for the support.
In the year 2044, “Demifloras”- humans that have developed inhuman abilities, are targeted and harvested for their pricey body parts. Iris Black, a Demiflora that possesses the ability to bring his drawings to life, is sheltered in a correctional facility that houses Demifloras. Outcasted for his inability to suppress his powers, he yearns to find a place that accepts him for who he is. His chance comes one night when a daring outsider sneaks into the lab.
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