A Feast (edited)
Feb 06, 2020
This chapter was really hard to write, I struggled to get Shiori's attitude down cuz he's soooo sassy and intelligent, he's just been conditioned so heavily through his life that he's hypersensitive to the emotions of others but numb to his own.
The next update won't be a chapter, it's fun facts about some of the characters and Q+A question collection so I can study for my exams. After that, we'll be back to regular updates
Edits: Very minor edits this time! A spelling error and a few commas. I had endometriosis excision surgery a few weeks ago, and now I'm back to work, pulling 64s to pay off my surgery bill while compensating for 2 weeks without income from my recovery period. Unfortunately, they weren't able to get all of it (i have diaphragmatic endo, so for me, it's full thickness through my diaphragm and adhering to my right lung, so my surgeon wasn't comfortable excising it herself and will need to contact a specialist.) Definitely not looking forward to doing that because she thinks it'll need to be open rather than laproscopic, plus an increased risk of pneumothorax and a longer recovery. Thank you immensely for your patience!
Edits pt2: 12/26/22 Nothing big, just some continuity adjustments after modifying Duties 1-3. Does this count as a double or a triple update?
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