Sou Fei and An Jun made their way to Empress' quarter. On the way there they pass other maids and eunuchs. When the two reach the destination An Jun calls out, "Your Majesty, I brought the new servant."
"You two may enter."
Sou Fei let An Jun go in first then she walk in. Feeling fearful, she kept her head down, not wanting to receive punishment. Lift her eyes a bit Sou Fei saw the back of a majestic woman. The clothes look smooth without any wrinkles. On the red silk fabric, big white flowers seem to flow outward.
"New girl comes over and serves me tea," order Empress not bothering to glance back.
Not uttering a word Sou Fei hurries to the Empress' side. Shaky grasping the teapot she slowly pours the hot liquid into the small cup. Setting the teapot down Sou Fei immediately back away waiting for the next order. She dare not make a sound just standing with her bow. The only sounds in the room were slurping and breathing.
Turning her head slightly Sou Fei eyed at An Jun hoping for a hint on what to do. However, An Jun did not even look her way.
"A Jun, you may leave to attend other matters." Empress states.
"Yes, Your Majesty."
Seconds later, Sou Fei is left alone with the Empress. The silence lasts for quite a while.
"You! Come over here." Empress finally order.
Sou Fei hurries over and asks, "Your Majesty, how can I assist you?"
"Sit across from me and pour me tea."
Nodding Sou Fei walk around the table then sat down. Picking the teapot, Sou Fei pours the warm tea into the cup. After placing the teapot back down Sou Fei pull her hand again.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Sou Fei's heart pound speedy. Her eyes averted away from the Empress. She did not want to make a mistake.
"Do you like the new instruments I gifted?"
Sou Fei raises her head there answer, "Your Majesty, I love the gifts. Thank you very much."
"You may be wondering why I gave you gifts."
Sou Fei nod in response. Truth to be told she has been trying to figure out Empress' intentions.
"Since you are new to the palace I want you to be able to entertain the prince."
"Your Majesty, pardon my incompetence, but I don't know how to read music," said Sou Fei nervously.
"Oh, really, hmmm..... I will send over someone to teach you how to read at a later time."
"Your Majesty thank you. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Sou Fei asks.
"No, I want you to assist me in the next few days."
"I will do as you wish," respond Sou Fei.
Sou Fei continues to sit there, not uttering a word. After a long time, the Empress spoke, "Come over and give me a good massage."
Sou Fei quickly went to her. She put her hands on the Empress 'shoulders. Slowly Sou Fei squeezes the muscles.
"Your Majesty, please let me know if I am hurting you," said Sou Fei.
"Mmm. okay, I will."
After doing the shoulders, Sou Fei moves to the arms. She did other parts of the Empress' body for ten minutes each. Her hands ache so much from the massage.
"Have you got used to doing the tasks?"
"Yes, I have gotten used doing the tasks in the palace," answer Sou Fei still massaging the Empress' body.
"Good to hear. Tell me if you have any trouble."
"Mmmm...." response Sou Fei."
"You have miracle hands."
"Your Majesty, thank you. " Sou Fei said letting the Empress touch her hands.
A husky voice calls out from the door, "Mother, may I come in?"
"You may enter."
Sou Fei saw a young man stroll into the room. His way of walking made it look like he was floating. The young man wears a deep blue robe with gold leaves scatter all over the silk fabric. Smooth long black hair hung down past his shoulders.
"Little Chun Mu, come over and sit down," Empress said, pointing to the seat in front of her.
Sou Fei lower her head, not wanting to draw attention to herself. She did not see the prince's gaze on her.
"Son, tell me how did the morning court go?" Empress asks.
"I think the meeting went well. The discussion mainly focuses on the issues coming from the north."
"What is happening in the north?" question Empress.
"Well, there are some bandits murdering merchants on the silk road."
"Oh! Have you come up with any solutions to the problem?" inquire Empress to test her beloved son.
"Umm.....I have thought of some ideas, but I fear it may not solve the issues."
"Well, let me hear them." response Empress expressing interest in what her son has to say.
"I would suggest we set up small troop groups to monitor the roads."
"Not a bad idea, but there is a flaw with your suggestion." Empress firmly states.
Sou Fei still stood there without making a sound. Her feet already became numb from standing too long. Dear Buddha, I beg of you! Please make time fly, I can't stand anymore.
"Hey, you! Servant girl! Why aren't you serving us any drink?" Empress spoke, sounding displeased.
Startle Sou Fei stumble to the table almost crashing into it. Luckily she was able to steadily herself in time. Shakily Sou Fei picks up the teapot to refill their cups. After putting the teapot down Sou Fei went back to the previous spot.
Both Empress and her son resume their discussion.
"Mother, please enlighten me." Chun Mu request genuinely wanting to learn.
"There are not enough soldiers to cover the entire silk road to deal with the bandits."
"You are right, but we need to minimize the danger on the people." Chun Mu said with brows furrowed.
"This issue is hard to find a solution, so let us discuss some more in the next morning court."
Finally, the lengthy talk ended after who knows when. Sou Fei runs straight to relief herself in the servant quarter as soon as Empress dismisses her.
By the time she got out from the dirty room, An Jun stand there waiting. Irritation expression is visible on her worn face. Scratching her head Sou Fei amble around for a bit completely ignoring An Jun.
After the long walk, Sou Fei stops by the pound area. The moon hung high in the dark sky and stars twinkle across the broad firmament. Breathing in the fresh, crisp air Sou Fei watch the blossoms fall into the water.
Aw, it is so lovely to feel the cool breeze against my cheeks. After a long time, Sou Fei turns to go back inside. On her way back, Sou Fei saw the prince coming towards her direction. Lowering her head, she moves aside feeling tense.
She waited until the prince pass by before heading to her room. Feeling drain, Sou Fei did not even change her clothes and plop onto the bed.
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