Several minutes passed before Basil sighed. “Well. Anything?”
“This might be one of those things that take time..?” Touya pondered, crossing his arms. “Got any food to help?”
“What?” Basil tilted his head. “Food to help heighten instinctual sense of direction?”
“Yeah, like rock sugar or something.”
“Somehow I doubt rock sugar can help your sense of direction,” Basil chuckled. Then he paused, lifting the jar up to his shoulder and back to hip as he thought harder. “Sense of direction... Too bad we don't have any savory breads. That'd be perfect.”
Basil's eyes darted to the other. “Why do you think rock sugar would help?”
“Well, there's rock all around us.”
“Seems like stupid logic.”
“What's your idea then?”
“Hmm,” Basil shut his eyes. “Perhaps she didn't mean follow your heart? Maybe she meant mine?”
“That's stupid.”
Basil shook his head, and scoffed. He was quiet a moment, then opened his mouth to say something. “Hear that?”
Touya took a step closer to the blond, looking around them slowly to see if he could notice something unique. “No?”
“It's wind.” Basil answered, opening his eyes. He took a few steps past Touya into the dark, casting a shadow on him. “Maybe it's the way out.” A pause, then he put his hand on his hip. “Now how do you follow wind?”
“Find the direction maybe? I'm not a sailor.”
“Sailing. Perfect!” Basil turned his head to cheer on Touya for a brief moment, then he turned back around to the dark. He opened his mouth and smoothly ran his index finger along the middle of his tongue to wet it, then held the finger out away from his body. He moved his entire hand a bit right, then a bit left. Touya crossed his arms, watching him with a perplexed face that showed he was annoyed that the blond could do a trick that he couldn't. Suddenly, Basil turned to Touya with a toothy grin that looked more haunting than it should in this dim light. “Found it!”
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