As the two peeked their heads through the bushes they could hear the familiar sounds of voices chattering about. It didn't sound like a lot of people, but enough that they were concerned. Sure enough just through the branches they spotted two royal guards standing where the stone pathway led up several steps and disappeared behind a thick wall of rubble and the wall it had come from. The ruins were just beyond this point. From behind the guards they could hear the systematic sound of equipment that belonged to researches that shouldn't be there yet.
Basil groaned quietly, looking to Touya. “Well we can't get in this way. Should we go back and tell the Queen?”
“No way. If we came all this way only to be turned away at the prospect of even crossing the gate, she'd tan our hides.” Touya shook his head then batted his hand at Basil dismissively. “Let's just go ahead on in this way. It'll be easier if they know we're there.”
“But they won't let you in.”
“You mean you, but they'll have to.” Touya smirked at him. “You go up first.”
“What? No! I don't want to! You!”
“If I go up first then there's no way they'll let you through.” Touya pointed out rather astutely. It left the blond with a frown on his face. The two stared at each other not talking for a few seconds. “It'll be fine.”
“I don't know about that.” Basil muttered as he straightened up. “Don't leave me hanging.”
“Never.” Touya gestured with his right hand a symbol of good luck and that's all Basil had to go on.
He took the frown off his face by recomposing his entire posture, then he walked back behind them to the pathway and started around the bushes and trees so he could approach the ruins without looking like he had snuck his way ahead to see what it was like. It was still raining, and he and everyone of the royal guards showed it by their wet clothes, but the air as he approached the ruins felt warmer so it oddly wasn't as uncomfortable.
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