After resting for twenty minutes, the two got up and continued up the pathway. They folded their woolen blankets back up into the teeny squares and Basil tucked them away. By nightfall the rain was holding pretty steady and they had reached high enough that they could tell they were walking along a pathway that was handcarved stone – different from the regular path. This stone was laid out in a smooth professional pattern like it'd be lining a temple, or an expensive city cause way. It was lined on each side with two stones to give it a lip, and it was almost entirely uninterrupted by weeds breaking through the stones.
“Whoa. How do you think they managed it?”
“Lots of slaves?” Basil asked.
Touya smacked the blond's shoulder with his fist. “No, idiot. How did they manage anti-weed paths?”
“Boring!” Touya croaked. “That's just too easy then.”
“And yet we don't do it.”
After a moment, Touya stopped. “Hey, can't you make an umbrella out of your wind powers?”
“Yeah, but I'm not going to.”
Basil stopped, several feet ahead of him now. He groaned, turning around to look at the one with two different colored eyes with a look of obvious historical disgust and disapproval of this conversation happening before. “Because when I did, we ended up being launched into the sky in a tempest and blown out to sea.”
“Aw, but that could launch us right up to the ruins.”
“We're almost there. Just keep walking, lazy jellyfish.” Basil shook his head and pointed up the path at some stairs farther up to their left.
As they went the last bit of distance in silence, Touya watched Basil's back quietly, recalling when they had been hurtled up into the sky. “Wonder if next time we can make a waterspout.” he mumbled to himself as he tried to think of the countless destructive ways their powers could combine.
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