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Wowzah, it's been a while since I posted anything on here! For my Tapas readers that are still interested in the story! Good news, we're all caught up :)
Technically speaking, ep 37 will be brand new content. But if you haven't been reading the re-uploaded episodes, it might benefit more for you to give it a re-read! I ended up adding here and there some new information (including a whole new episode! aka Ep 16) But it's fine if you don't wanna! This summary will do just fine :)
I've read the original version here, and the revamped version on webtoons and I must say I really enjoyed the little twists you introduced to the story, like the redesign of the overpowered army guy, but I did miss the harshness of the original fate of goth girl, which seemed more satisfying given her cruelty towards her little brother, but all in all, I have always loved this story and I will keep loving it over webtoons albeit quietly because all those "first" comments give me "eye rolling" syndrome heh, also for some reason I can't "like" episodes over there, but I am really happy for you, you are doing great, and this recap was golden, thank you for your hard work ^^
What would you do if you are given a second chance to turn back time and relive your past? Would you do what you did back then for fear of the butterfly effect? Or would you take a different course of action and let the future speaks for itself?
Warning: Mild blood and gore (it's okay I can't handle intense gore either)
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