She didn’t show any fear while she shrugged nonchalantly. “Come on, Bailey…you have some great accidents! I mean, yesterday when the AC broke in your room then the moment you walked out it worked and you walked back in and it stopped working again and you walked out–”
“I get it, no need to remind me!” Bailey held up his hand in hopes to get Amery to stop. She stopped speaking but her laughter continued while she went on to breathe out through her laughs about how Bailey was the definition of bad luck. “I know…what did I do? I must have been a real jerk in a past life.”
“Maybe you have a mutation, the mutation of bad luck!” Amery teased, reaching across the table to poke at Bailey’s nose that was scrunched up in annoyance. He swatted her hand away.
“That still would have showed up in the tests. I am mutation free but…my luck sure as hell should count as one anyway.” Bailey crossed his arms, pouted and leaned back into his chair, grumbling about how everyone else lived life so easily. How about they share their luck? They didn’t need it!
Amery chose not to speak since Bailey’s face showed he was not amused. She did nod and tried her best to keep the giggles to herself. It wasn’t really working because Bailey glared at her throughout the rest of lunch. When lunch finally ended, Amery announced that she would catch up with Bailey later. Bailey waved her off, remaining in the food court for the last 30 minutes before his shift started.
Bailey got up 10 minutes before his shift to head towards the café. He got there, happy to see that it wasn’t busy because he wasn’t really in the mood for chaos. Martin and Darcie were already in the back getting ready for their own shift. Bailey joined them, happily talking with his co-workers about class, homework, the usual.
It was all perfectly normal. Bailey was making snacks and coffee for the customers. Martin was flirting with any hot chicks that came in…while Darcie managed to get most of their numbers before him, which lead to Martin begging her to share and she wouldn’t because she, too, was evil. At least, that was what Martin said, Bailey thought she was hilarious and began to wonder if perhaps she had a mutation, the mutation of seduction! Because seriously she got like every girl’s attention, it was weird but totally fascinating at the same time.
In short, Bailey was enjoying his work but hey, that was too much. He wasn’t allowed to have fun for too long. No, the world, the universe itself would explode if Bailey went a day without some type of misfortune so…
Of course, Zane walked in showing that same expression of annoyance he did any time he saw Bailey working. Bailey didn’t exactly have regular hours so he wasn’t surprised that Zane showed up to be confused when he saw Bailey there. However, Bailey had no idea why Zane looked so annoyed. What had Bailey ever done to him? Last time he checked all the bad stuff just happened to him while Zane laughed.
Even if he really, like really, seriously didn’t want to, Bailey put on his best smile, that made Zane groan, and asked, “Hello, what can I get for you today?”
There was a moment where Zane glanced over his shoulder like he was ready to leave because he was. Zane felt the urge to walk right out the door and avoid the bad luck charm known as Bailey. After seeing all that he had, Zane knew that the blonde was trouble and Zane hated trouble…but he needed caffeine.
Bailey thought that he hadn’t been heard when Zane didn’t give a reply. He had those headphones in that he always seemed to wear. When he sighed though, Bailey knew he was heard but he still was a bit shocked when Zane actually walked up to the counter to order.
It felt strange being close when most of the time Zane was at the end of the hall or across the road. Seeing the towering boy, who had to be at least 6’4, standing near Bailey’s, not short but sure as hell felt short now, 5’11 self was intimidating to say the least.
Zane didn’t look intimidating before but those blue eyes, though they had dark bags beneath them, somehow looked piercing, like they could look through anyone. The long silver hair that framed an angular face and danced over his shoulders cut shadows on his face in a way that made him seem a little mysterious. The pierced lip that Zane continued to nip at as he thought, the stud in his nose, the piercings that ran up both his ears, they all somehow added to his ‘don’t come near me’ affect that sent a slight shiver down Bailey’s spine.
It was clear that Zane was no longer on duty. He wasn’t in the uniform Bailey normally seen him in. Instead, he was in jeans and a loose fitting black tee. Simple yet oddly fitting.
“French vanilla cappuccino,” Zane spoke, his tone coming across as it had before, monotone. It was incredibly low, almost low enough that Bailey couldn’t hear it. His expression had turned from annoyed to bored like he was ready to pass out on the spot. Bailey thought those bags under his eyes was a clear sign that he would.
Zane wanted to leave as soon as possible before he got pulled into one of Bailey’s many accidents. He quickly pulled out his wallet, got his money and tacked on, “And a blueberry muffin.”
Bailey nodded, took the money and rang up Zane’s order before handing him his change. Zane’s eyes may have lingered on Bailey’s hands and, without meaning to, Bailey ripped them back in hopes to hide the burn scars that, sadly, people noticed from time to time. It seemed Zane had but, rather than asking or even seeming to care, he looked away as if he hadn’t seen them at all. Bailey was grateful he was ‘kind’ enough to do that.
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