A good portion of furs are into Information Technology (IT) and other computing jobs. Others may draw their fursona just for fun or draw other furs' fursonas for a fee. Some other furs don't have much free time and only work. These jobs can range from a scientists like Kagemushi (Uncle Kage) who has a job in research science to police officers to teachers to engineers and so on.
Considering that the fandom started almost 40 years ago, a large portion of furs are adults. However, with the expansion of the internet, the fandom has been able to reach loads of younger furs as well. They tend to draw their animal characters and roleplay, which is a form of conversation between two people on a phone or computer, where someone types an action. An example of this roleplay would go something like this.
Fur 1: owo hey *hugs*
Fur 2: oh hai *hugs back*
Fur 1: rawr X3 *nuzzles* uwu u so warm
Fur 2: *does a backflip*
Fur 1: *dabs*
(These scenarios can vary, being simplistic and exchanged between younger people or more complex and detailed between more experienced people. Roleplay is not limited to the furry fandom, but extends to many others such as Steven Universe, Anime, Twilight, and even people who aren't in any fandom.)
Considering that roleplay was common and helped the development of the fandom through chat forums and text based games, most grey-muzzles (older furs) roleplay along with the newer furs.
I'm not sure what else to say on this topic... sorry for making it so short.
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