The penguins scattered, gliding ungracefully on the ice around Mike in a weirdly odd, hypnotizing ballet that left the upside down Demon transfixed and allured.
He had never seen anything so beautiful in his entire short life, and wished he could have been standing on his feet to fully appreciate the view.
Kim decided to chase those clumsy birds away, this time yelling: “And don’t you dare come back, you ridiculous voodoo plushies! Next time I see you, I’ll feed you to sea lions!!!”
She then sped over to Mike to try and pull him out of the ground, before he completely lost his ability to think. She approached his horns to assess the damage, and noticed that her heat was melting the ice.
“Mike, dear, don’t move. And be ready to fall,” Kim gently warned.
He smiled groggily as the emerald green liquid that served as blood for his kind was already rushing to that gooey, vein-y mess they call a brain.
In other words, he didn’t understand a thing except that ice was shiny. Kim got even closer and started to execute a very complicated dance around Mike’s horns.
Slowly but surely, she started to dislodge them from their cold prison. The ice slowly melted, revealing the only bit of dirt in which the very tips of the Demon’s pride were stuck.
After a few shuffles and a bit of wiggling, Mike managed to throw himself into a horizontal position. Then, something happened... Again.
“Kim, why is this water all black?” he asked, still groggy, with a thoughtful expression on his face.
A black liquid did indeed emerge from three small, glorious holes dug by the pointy ends of his head. The liquid squirted out like fountains right before their eyes.
Kim floated there with awe before responding: “I have no clue, but it’s pretty. Stay there, I’m going to get a closer look!”
Before Kim could act any further, WHOOSH!
A gigantic ear-drowning noise overtook every other sound, including the penguins’ distant laughter.
Mike slowly grew jealous. He had been working hard on his 'whoosh' but still couldn’t get it right. He decided to keep practicing, trying to believe in himself along the way.
In the meantime, the black liquid turned into majestic flames. A burning fountain reached for the skies in a joyous yet devastating cry for freedom.
From the deepest, darkest depths of Hell, Azazel rose from his slumber. His eyes shot open as he exhaled quite loudly, exerting a sound loud enough to make even those brutal penguins freeze in sheer ice.
The Master of Hell, with a smile as grim as a reaper’s, was impressed. Enough to give a slow clap that resonated through the mountains, and caused an earthquake somewhere in the heart of America. And even Zondaar, with his disapproving stares and snide remarks, raised an approving eyebrow.
Mike laid still on the evaporating ice. Dazed, joyful, and confused, enjoying the show. He raised one finger and blurted: “Kim, you did a thing! A thing you did! A wonderful thing like popping a lid!”
Somewhere in the atmosphere, a hole was spreading. The Ozone layer disappeared, and on earth, climate specialists were starting to panic.
“We were supposed to have a few more years before this happened! What is going on?!” one high-pitched voice shouted, “should we tell the government?!”
“Are you mad, Jim?! This is going to be a disaster, the climate will change even faster if we warn them!” the other specialists replied.
It soon became a back-and-forth argument throughout the entire scientific community.
And so, with the help of a few idiotic penguins and a concerned purple flying flame, Mike unwittingly sped up the next ice age, definitely earning his place as a Demon in Hell. But, somewhere in the back of his still frozen brain, he had a hint that the black burning liquid still wasn’t the coveted Virgin’s Blood he’d been searching for.
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