I think 95% it is cause of the clothes I wear LMAO..
I actually get questioned about my sexuality a lot. I noticed it's always the girls that ask me.. I think it is because we are the same gender so they feel I might be more comfortable to talk about it if I really am homo or bi?.. but I'm not really that surprised nor do I mind..
Ugh, I hate that. I've had a good couple conversations that went like this: "So... do you like... wish you were a boy or something?" "No, I'm actually quite happy being a girl..." "Oh, so you must be totally lesbian than, right?" "Ah... not really into that..." "So... then... are you one of those weird 'gender neutral' people...? Because... look at you..." "Haha, I actually just dress like this because I like the way boys clothes look and fit me..." "Hmm, yeah, sure... if you say so."
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