A few days have gone by since the birth of little Prince Shimin. Everyone has settled back to their typical routine in the royal palace.
Empress Chun Fang entrusted her son in the care of an old maid. She had not fully recovered from the birth experience. At the moment, Chun Fang lay on the bed in her chamber. She wears a pink hanfu gown.
In the meantime, Emperor Yuan rush though morning assembly. He wanted to be with his wife as soon as possible. While Concubine Wu entertain herself by the pond, she was in the mood to paint. Her slender right hand held a medium-sized brush. Beside her stood Mei Ling. She was happy to see her Lady enjoying the activity.
Soon it was afternoon Concubine Wu put down the brush. She got to her feet than face Mei Ling.
"You may go to check on Her Majesty. I will be there soon. "Wu Loa order.
Mei Ling immediately obeys the command. Wu Loa quickly went to the Royal kitchen; however, a female servant came up to her.
"My Lady, can I assist you with anything?"
"Bring me tea leaves, tea set, and hot water on a tray." order Wu Loa.
"As you command."
The servant quickly walks to grab the items. She came back with the items in her hands.
"My Lady, here is the stuff."
Wu Loa took things. She says, "If the Emperor gathers you together with others later and asks about an incident. Just say that servant girl Mei Ling is suspect."
"As your command." respond the worker.
She then left the kitchen carrying the items. Before heading to Empress Chun Fang's room, she strolls to her chamber. Once inside, Wu Loa set the things on the table. She dismisses the servants from the office.
She walks to the small dresser next to the bed. Pulling out the drawl Wu Loa looks for the little white pouch. A couple of seconds later, she found it.
"Ah! here it is."
Grabbing the pouch Wu Loa walk to where the tea set is at, then she opens it. Inside the bag was white substance. She was pouring the content into the sugar container Wu Loa's lip lift into a tiny grin. She hides the pouch in her sleeves after closing it. Wu Loa pick up the tea and items before going to the Empress' room.
A guard nearby announces her arrival. One of the guards opens the door for her. Wu Loa stroll into the room.
She saw Chun Fang lying on the bed. Her complexion seems to be a bit pale.
"Sister Fang, I apologize for coming to see you so late. To make it to you, I brought you some tea and snacks." Wu Loa said politely
"Oh! You didn't have to do so. How come you didn't have your maid Mei Ling do it?" Chun Fang question eyeing her.
"I want to show you my appreciation for giving my son s brother." Wu Loa answer as she places the things down on the table.
Chun Fang smile hearing her words. She felt happy that Wu Loa did not say any poison words that could harm the family.
"Has my maid Mei Ling been good to you?" asks Wu Loa.
"Of course, she did well to assist," reply Chun Fang.
"Would you like some tea to moist your throat?" inquire Wu Loa.
"That would be lovely."
"Mei Ling, go pour tea for Sister Fang." Wu Loa order
Mei Ling, who stood at one side, quickly obeyed the command. When the teacup got filled up halfway, she handed it to the Lady carefully.
Taking a sip, Chun Fang realizes that the tea tastes a bit bitter. She holds out the cup then requests, "Please put some sugar in my cup."
Mei Ling dumps a couple of spoonfuls into her cup. Wu Loa watch as Chun Fang drank down the tea. She tries to maintain her facial expression neutral. Inwardly she had on a devilish grin.
"Is the tea to your likely?" question Wu Loa after several minutes.
Chun Fang felt a bit tired then respond, "Please leave. I need more rest."
"As you wish. Come along, Mei Ling." Wu Loa said while exiting the room.
Wu Loa stroll around the palace. She gave Mei Ling the pouch and told her to hide it. Several minutes late, a maid rush over to her
"L- Lady Wu, please come quick. Something has happened to her Majesty."
Wu Loa acknowledge the message. She dashes to Chun Fang's room. Once there, Wu Loa found Emperor Yuan holding the lifeless body. She could not see the tears rolling down his cheeks.
"What transpires here?" Wu Loa asks softly.
"Her majesty has been poison by someone." answer a servant nearby.
Emperor Yuan face her than inquire, "Do you know who could have done this horrendous deed?"
Shaking her head, she replies, "I have no idea who could have done it."
"I heard from my guard that you visit here not long ago." Emperor Yuan state with suspicions in his eyes.
"True, I did come here earlier, but I would never commit such a crime." Wu Loa said anxiously.
"But who could have put poison in the tea?" Emperor Yuan question with a grim expression.
Wu Loa move to his side. She did not know what to do. But how should Wu Loa bring up her maid? After a bit of hesitation, she spoke up.
"Your Majesty, may I be frank with you." Wu Loa requests.
"You may speak." Emperor Yuan nods.
Clearing her throat Wu Loa said, "I believe either the kitchen worker or a maid commits the deed."
"You brought up a good point. Let us investigate the matter as soon as possible," says Emperor Yuan.
He orders the head Eunuch to bring him to see what happened prior. Soon the eunuch came back then told everything to the Emperor. Emperor Yuan erupts in a fury after hearing the reports.
"Bring me the kitchen workers and the maids that enter here!" Emperor Yuan bellow.
The guards obey the command then went to gather up the people. Sometime later, everyone arrives. Many of them trembled and knelt once seeing him.
"Do all of you know the reason you are summoned here?" question Emperor Yuan.
None of them utter a single word. Sighing Emperor Yuan finally spoke, "Someone has done a loathsome deed."
Everyone holds their breath, not daring to even exhale.
"I want to know who put poison in my wife's tea. If none of you confess, execution shall be the punishment." Emperor Yuan threaten fiercely.
"Y- your majesty, I suspect a maid near her majesty." claim a kitchen servant with a nervous tone.
"Oh! Who do you reckon then?" Emperor Yuan want to know.
"The criminal could be the maid, Mei Ling." enunciate the worker.
"How do you know if she did. Do you have any proof?" Emperor Yuan question.
The servant shook his head in response. He didn't know what else to say.
Sighing Emperor Yuan orders, "Have the maid appear before me."
Mei Ling got drag in front of the Emperor. She prostrates herself, not even lifting her head. He asked the same question.
Mei Ling answer, "I did not do it."
Concubine Wu spoke coldly, "You handle the teacup her majesty drank from."
Mei Ling kept quiet, realizing that her mistress has framed her. What she do anyway? She was a mare servant. Her life meant nothing to her mistress.
Emperor Yuan command, "Someone search for the poison on her."
A few servants went forward and patted her body. Not long, a servant pulls out the pouch from before. Going over to the Emperor, the servant presented the bag.
"What is this? Is this where the poison came from? Where did you get this?" demand Emperor Yuan with a fierce tone.
Mei Ling stays silent. Everyone else gasps, seeing the pouch. In their mind, they already reach the worse conclusion. No one dares to voice their thoughts.
"Drag this animal away and lock her up in the lower part of Prison Palace. We will investigate this incident." order Emperor Yuan.
A couple of guards grab her under the armpit and pull her out of the door. Emperor Yuan told everyone to go back to their task then wait for the result of the investigation.
Emperor Yuan cover up the face of his beloved wife. He stood
there a long whole before he left.
Emperor Yuan arrived in his room. Feeling drain, he settled down on the bed. Exhaustion overwhelmed him to the point where he does not want to go on.
Head Eunuch came over than whisper, "Your Majesty, Concubine Wu wishes to see you."
He nods his head in agreement. Concubine Wu came in with her head lowered. She knelt on her knees.
"What do you want to see me for?" question Emperor Yuan expressionless.
"Your Majesty, I ask you to forgive me as I negated my duty. I let Sister Fang down. Please let me punish my maid." request Wu Loa.
Rubbing his chin, Emperor Yuan thought for a moment before replying, "Very well, I will grant your request."
Without looking up, Wu Loa responds, "Thank you, Your Majesty."
"You should accompany me for a bit," said Emperor Yuan.
She got up and sat down next to him. Either spoke a word for a long time. Time seems to move slowly.
Wu Loa suggests, "Your Majesty, pardon me, it is getting late. Having a rest is good for your health."
"Em... you are right."
Wu Loa hesitantly ask, "Your Majesty, may I give you a hug?"
Emperor Yuan opens his arms, letting her lean in his chest. Wu Loa wrap her around his neck. Joy surface for a bit. Her husband hardly ever show any intimacy. Being in his embrace felt comforting and safe.
"I am sorry about what happened to Sister Fang." Wu Loa apologize
"It's not your fault, so please do not fret about it." Emperor Yuan said as he tightens his hold her.
Pulling away, Wu Loa got to her feel.
She smiles before saying, "I better get going so you can get some sleep."
"Alright, good night," respond Emperor Yuan.
Wu Loa walked out of the room. She walks to the prison palace with a maid that looks similar to Mei Ling. Her face could not be seen because of a veil. She told the maid to hold up a candle while going down the stairway. Wu Loa felt no fear even though the place was dark. She soon arrives in front of the cell that Mei Ling was in. The light from the candle illuminates Mei Ling's figure. Her appearance looks wilted, and her eyes were lifeless. She dismisses all the guards except for one.
"Mei Ling, I have come to see you." Wu Loa said.
"Mistress, I did not do it." Mei Ling responds with a hoarse voice.
"I know. I will send you away from the palace." Wu Loa promise.
"How are you going to do that?" question Mei Ling nervously.
"I have my way, so don't you worry." Wu Loa said
Turning towards the guard, she orders, "Open the door, I will punish her."
The guard immediately opens the cell door. Wu Loa walk into the cell. Not facing the guard, she told him to leave. When the guard left, Wu Loa move closer to Mei Ling, then whisper in her ear the plan. Mei Ling kept calm, not showing her shock expression.
The maid next too them silently remove her clothes. Mei Ling raises her eyebrows in confusion. Why is this girl undressing? I know the plan, but this does not make any sense.
"Change into her clothes." Wu Loa ordered.
Mei Ling quickly undresses and puts on the garment. The maid also got dressed and leaves.
"Mei Ling, come along with me." Wu Loa said, giving the maid aside glance before leaving.
Still somewhat confused, she follows her out. While walking, she ponders how her mistress is going to explain her disappearance. Then again, it is not up to her anyway. They pass by rooms and corridors. The two reach the back gate of the palace minutes later.
"You will leave here and never come back. Do you understand." Wu Loa said icily.
Mei, Ling nodded without saying anything. Wu Loa motion the guard to push the door open. Silently Mei Ling went forward, passing the gate. Before the door closed, a pouch was handed to her. Mei Ling knew from then on that her life was no more. But she must live on for the sake of her unborn child.
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