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You can follow me at @hallopino on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/hallopino/ and Twitter - https://twitter.com/hallopino
Follow Moomie on Twitter at @weaselbusiness - https://twitter.com/weaselbusiness
Self doubt. It takes a lot to keep moving sometimes. Especially after a massive setback. I didn't want to dwell too long in this mood. But I did want to explore a little bit of Jessica becoming hesitant to move forward like she was doing before in fear of another failed experiment. Or a worse failure.
Ryan Ruffatti - http://www.hallopino.com
Moomie Swan - https://www.moomieswan.co.uk
I like the rythm of the comic so far!! A lot happens, the character is quickly introduced, but still there's some floating moments, slow introspective pages, it's pretty cool! I keeps it from feeling rushed
Jessica Soto is no longer waiting for the future to arrive. She is putting everything she has into creating working teleportation device and will not rest until she succeeds. How much will seeking this accomplishment take from her? Why does she want teleportation so desperately?
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