Let's have a little roleplaying fun while we are here. I thought that some readers might enjoy seeing the character sheets of some of the more prominent characters within this story. Personally, I like to make short stat blocks like these to help me fill in any holes missing from a character concept or keep the abilities of characters in some kind of perspective.
As with the rest of this book, these character sheets are released under the same Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, so please feel free to use them in your game sessions, your own books, or even your own Rule 34 art.
Wait a minute, why do I never see stat blocks in hentai doujinshi?
These stat blocks were built for the Alien Fiction Roleplaying Game which is detailed in the main Alien Fiction book. Just for a quick recap, most Alien Fiction RPG characters are crafted using the Backstory System. A player picks four backstory elements from lists: one childhood, one education, one passion, and one career. Each element adds attribute points and skills points. The player then adds a few freebie points wherever he likes. Some more experienced characters will have developed more points as their character develops, and these can include gaining additional backstory elements like a second passion for example. That's pretty much it.
ISIS, a.k.a. The Rabbit
Childhood: Omni-Alien
Education: Trial and Error
Passion: Dilettante
Careers: Space Warlord, Tactician
Mind 4
Body 1
Persona 2
Cosmos 4
Collection 2
Combat 1
Nature 1
Negotiation 2
Supernatural 3
Technology 2
Omni-Power: Magic (a.k.a. sufficiently advanced technology), Isis can create almost any effect, but she is restricted by performing elaborate rituals and access to rare ingredients. Typically the more powerful or useful the enchantment, the more preparation time is required.
ODIN, a.k.a. The Boar, a.k.a. Baldy
Childhood: Omni-Alien
Education: Trial and Error
Passion: Collector
Careers: Space Warlord, Investigator
Mind 4
Body 1
Persona 2
Cosmos 4
Collection 3
Combat 1
Nature 1
Skullduggery 1
Technology 3
Trivia 1
Investigator Bonus of +1 to any dice roll which involves noticing, searching, or deciphering.
Omni-Power: Psionics, Odin is perhaps the most powerful psychic in the universe. He is particularly skilled at altering the memories of his opponents.
SHIVA, a.k.a. The Dragon, a.k.a. Shiva, Lord of Destruction
Childhood: Omni-Alien
Education: What Education?
Passion: Warrior at Heart
Careers: Space Warlord, Warrior-Soldier
Mind 2
Body 4
Persona 2
Cosmos 4
Collection 4
Combat 2
Fitness 1
Nature 1
Trivia 1
Technology 2
Omni-Power: Destro-Breath, Shiva can shoot an energy beam out of his mouth which combines several forms of destructive energy into a single coherent breath weapon. His attack has an effective range of light years but is limited to the speed of light. He's probably capable of destroying any single target.
Childhood: Human (Royal)
Education: Mystic
Passion: Occult
Career: Tactician
Mind 5
Body 1
Persona 2
Cosmos 1
Combat 1
Fitness 1
Nature 2
Negotiation 2
Supernatural 4
SPECIAL: Magic, Morgan is living focus for Isis' magical energies. She may create ther own hexes and enchantments but she only has the energy that Isis chooses to afford to her. This ability is here in exchange for 1 attribute point.
Childhood: Uplifted Lifeform (new! +1 to Mind, +1 to Technology)
Education: Academic
Passion: Service
Career: Investigator
Mind 4
Body 2
Persona 2
Cosmos 1
Nature 1
Fitness 1
Negotiation 1
Skullduggery 1
Technology 3
Trivia 1
Investigator Bonus: +1 to any dice roll which involves noticing, searching, or deciphering
Mental Coordination: even before he was uplifted, as an octopus he possessed a highly evolved brain capable of perfectly coordinating eight limbs simultaneously. He retains excellent ambidexterous coordination and a brain excellently suited for performing simultaneous tasks. This special ability is here in exchange for 1 attribute point. In game mechanics, C'thulhu may perform multiple actions without penalties to his dice pool. He may perform up to five actions with no penalties whatsoever. He may perform up to eight with only the penalties that most characters have when performing two actions.
Childhood: Human (Laborer)
Education: Apprenticeship
Passion: Service
Career: Soldier-Warrior
Mind 2
Body 4
Persona 3
Cosmos 1
Combat 2
Collection 4
Fitness 2
Nature 2
Negotiation 2
Props: Arthur rules as an absolute monarch of the kingdom of Camelot, and he commands an impressive army of skilled knights and other soldiers. Even more impressively, he possesses a sword and scabbard which (when they work) makes him almost undefeatable in battle. The sword, Excalibur, grants him +1 free point to any combat roll in which he uses it. The scabbard, named Pooka Beads, renders him immune to loosing Physical Energy (Body Points) from damage.
Childhood: Military Brat
Education: Academic
Passion: Service
Career: Warrior-Soldier
Mind 2
Body 5
Persona 2
Cosmos 1
Combat 4
Fitness 3
Nature 1
Negotiation 1
Trivia 2
As a Transhuman Citizen (also known as a Truman) of the Paradox Institute, Freeman's robotic body nearly indestructible. Only planet-level disasters or advanced technologies can deplete his Physical Energy (Body Points). Regardless of dice rolls, he cannot lose a fight unless his opponent is armed with equal or greater technology or cosmic powers.
Childhood: Rural
Education: Academic
Passion: Service
Career: Investigator
Body 2
Mind 2
Persona 3
Cosmos 1
Nature 1
Negotiation 1
Trivia 2
Skullduggery 1
Investigator bonus: +1 point bonus to ANY dice roll which involves noticing something, searching for something, or deciphering a clue.
Legacy bonus: As a Legacy within Earth Civ, she benefits from generations of her family's experiences living on the fringes of civilized space. Other agents within the Paradox Institute, even those with clearly superior intellects or physical capabilities, will usually respect her wisdom and experience. When dealing with other employees of the Paradox Institute, Legacies receive +1 to all Persona or Negotiation dice roll results.
STARDUST, the Super Wizard
Because of his mysterious past, Stardust was given stats not using the Backstory method but instead using the Point Buy Method.
Mind 2
Body 3
Persona 2
Cosmos 2
Combat 4
Fitness 2
Technology 2
Mad Science: Stardust has superhuman abilities and weapons which are based upon secrete sciences (none of which make a lick of sense).
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