I have something to say mate, You. Are no BL lover. Just look at that library! Utterly USELESS!! Half of the books aren't even BL! Not even GL, THEY'RE STRAIGHT. STRAIGHT ROMANCE??? WHAT?? You can't have you're username as BLlover4life IF you're not even gonna commit to being a BL lover. It's BL or nothing baby. You're library DISGUSTS me actually, Some of the comics, Don't even have male characters, HOW IS THAT BL LOVING? I believe you should change you're user. And, You've been on tapas for TWO almost THREE years, And you only have 244 comics in you're library? You should be ASHAMED. SHAMFUL.
This is not to be taken seriously, I mean nothing I said. I just wanted to say something. Have a nice day mate.