Anthony, I was just doing a drive by thank-you, but then a couple of things happened. First, your profile picture is absolutely gorgeous, so if you drew that, then 12,000 kinds of congratulations on your talent. Second, I saw your description of yourself and I was like uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, check, check, check, sounds like me (although you can probably tell that I am only a part-time introvert, but an absolutely terrible friend more or less full-time)-- you are NOT alone! Now, back to my regularly scheduled message: Guess who just finally just figured out how to post on subscribers' walls! It me! Thank you so much for subscribing to Free.Love-- it really, truly, actually means a lot to me! I hope you enjoy the remaining story and that you come and join me for Free Will when Free.Love wraps!
Sincerely, AmourAccompli, who gets there...eventually.