The next DnD Diary page is delayed because I started working part-time as a teacher at the local vocational school. It's difficult to find time to draw the comic, but I'll try to make time for drawing! The first chapter of the comic is almost complete and I think I'm going to take a little break once it's done. I'll probably do a little Q&A extra while I work on a large enough buffer of pages that I can start posting regularly again. Thanks for your patience and if you have any questions about the comic, let me know and I'll answer in the Q&A post!
Dear DnD diary is returning from hiatus soon! My pet lizard had a surgery so I've been really busy (and worried) but I've started drawing new pages again. Stay tuned!
I promised to get back into my weekly release rhythm but my pet lizard Smaug got sick and needs care and possibly an expensive surgery :( I'll get back to drawing the comic once things settle down. Sorry for the delays!
There won't be a new Dear DnD Diary page this week because I have a chronic wrist injury that's acting up because I had to work overtime to finish my university courses. They're done now but I need to let my wrist rest and heal. Dear DnD Diary will be back in a week or two. Thanks for your patience! :)